SCJGS operates solely by volunteers. All members are encouraged to volunteer and participate in the operation of the Society.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Presentation Support Team, Writers and Editors, Marketing/Publicity, Graphic Designer, Membership Database Team Member, Email Administrator, Social Media Team Member, and Operations and Technology.
Please consider sharing your skills with us by joining a committee or our board. For more information contact:
Upcoming Events
Sunday, December 8, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Susan Weinberg, Jewish Genealogist
Crossing the Ocean: US Records to Ancestral Towns
Sunday, January 12, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist
No Vitals? No Problem! – Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidences
Sunday, February 2, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Paul Woodbury, Genetic Genealogist
Endogamy in Context: Pioneers, Latecomer, Coverage and More
Sunday, February 23, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Sunny Morton, Professional Genealogist
Comparing the U.S. Newspaper Giants: What Jewish Content Do They Have?