Owned by Ancestry.com is an excellent genealogical resource. You can search by name, cemetery name, and cemetery location. Many records include photographs and information about family members.
The world’s largest resource for searchable GPS cemetery data. Almost all of Israel’s cemeteries have been digitized with the BillionGraves app.
UK cemetery data.
DNA Resources
DNA testing (autosomal and ethnicity) and matching service, requires a purchased DNA test. Will accept upload of DNA data from other companies for matching and ethnicity. Free family tree software (Family Builder). For more information on research and family trees, requires a paid subscription,.
DNA testing (autosomal, Y chromosome, mitochondrial, and ethnicity) and matching service, requires a purchased DNA test. Will accept upload of DNA data from other companies for matching and ethnicity.
DNA testing (autosomal and ethnicity) and matching service, requires a purchased DNA test. For more information on research and family trees, requires a paid subscription
DNA testing (autosomal and ethnicity) and matching service, requires a purchased DNA test. Also offers health assessment
DNA testing (autosomal and ethnicity) and matching service, requires a purchased DNA test.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 27, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Michelle Leonard, Professional Genetic Genealogist
A Guide To Segment Data, Chromosome Browsers & Conventional Chromosome Mapping (1.5 hrs)
Sunday, November 17, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Thomas MacEntee, Professional Genealogist
Translating and Transcribing Documents for Jewish Genealogical Research Using AI 1.5 Hr WORKSHOP
Sunday, December 8, 1 pm Pacific
Speaker: Susan Weinberg, Jewish Genealogist
Crossing the Ocean: US Records to Ancestral Towns